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What Are Orthopedic Shoes?

What Are Orthopedic Shoes?

Orthopedic shoes are designed to provide pain relief and additional support for people with painful conditions that affect ankles, feet, or legs. In the past, these shoes were made to be functional and not fashionable, but today they are more attractive and look fine for everyday use.

While many people think that only seniors need those shoes, the truth is that orthopedic footwear can help people regardless of their age.

When should you wear orthopedic shoes?

Generally, the main function of orthopedic shoes is to provide better support to legs and feet than regular footwear. The design of shoes varies, depending on your condition and health problem.

For example, a person with hammertoe will wear orthopedic shoes that are completely different from those that a person with fallen arches would get. There is no universal design that will help for all type of diseases and conditions.

In general, if you have any type of the disease that makes it painful to walk, you should consider getting orthopedic shoes. This includes all conditions that make wearing regular shoes uncomfortable, or if walking in other types of shoes cause fatigue and pain in the legs or feet.

Since people of all genders and ages can suffer from these conditions, there are shoes designed for seniors, kids and adults alike.

The main characteristics of orthopedic shoes

There are several key characteristics that all orthopedic shows have in common. The heels are low and firm compared to other shoes. Wide toes eliminate pinching, and the shank supports the back of the ankle. Many orthopedic shoes have inner soles that you can remove. Inner soles are needed to provide better comfort and support for an individual.

Orthopedic shoes can encourage blood flow

If you suffer from nerve pain, orthopedic shoes can significantly improve the quality of life. It’s of a high importance for people suffering from diabetic neuropathy to wear orthopedic shoes designed for them and have a proper arch support.

Diabetic neuropathy is dangerous because it lessens the ability to feel something in the foot area, and different injuries simply go unnoticed. Neuropathy also lessens blood circulation. If you wear orthopedic shoes, you can function and move in a healthy environment. They have saved many from losing a foot.

Orthopedic shoes help maintain mobility

Conditions such as flat feet, bunions, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and hammertoe and chronic foot pain can not only decrease the quality of life – they can limit the ability of a person to walk or even stand. Roomy, cushioned orthopedic shoes are able to return mobility.

Since they can preserve arches and realign feet, it is a great solution for foot problems many people have been having. Quite often, major problems appear when you’ve been wearing wrong shoes for a long time.

One can deny the fact that orthopedic shoes make feet feel much better. Not only they help avoid injuries, they stop development of severe foot conditions. Get a pair of orthopedic shoes now, and you will thank yourself for making a smart choice.

So, Here’s Your Next Step…

Give us a call today at 301-937-5666 to schedule an appointment. We will do a comprehensive examination and let you know what your best options are…or click here to request your appointment online.

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