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The Advantages of Ankle Inflammation Laser Treatment

Advantages of Ankle Inflammation Laser Treatment

If you have been dealing with ankle inflammation, your doctor will prescribe a few therapies.

These include rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) therapy, shoe modifications, the use of custom orthotics, and anti-inflammatory medication.

However, if your condition does not effectively respond to these therapies, your doctor may recommend an ankle inflammation laser treatment.

Why should you opt for a laser treatment?

Benefits & Advantages

DIOWAVE laser therapy offers a few benefits and advantages. For one, it does not require the use of medications or surgery.

This means that you can avoid some of the risks associated with both. Lasers have been used therapeutically for over 30 years.

In general, there are few side effects reported by patients who have undergone laser therapy. In these rare instances, patients report the aggravation of old injuries or pain. However, these symptoms are mostly a sign that healing is actively taking place.

How It Works

DIOWAVE laser therapy is the next step in the evolution of laser therapy, following Cold Laser or Low Level Laser Therapy. This laser therapy works by facilitating a series of cellular events. These events begin with the cells’ absorption of the photons from the laser light.

Initially, the permeability of the cell membrane is altered which, if followed by the stimulation of the cell’s ATP and respiratory chain, result in an increase in DNA and RNA synthesis, increase in beta endorphins and serotonin, and the enhancement of collagen synthesis.

What can you expect during laser treatment?

The treatment is administered using a laser hand-piece which is placed over the ankle by about half an inch.

Treatment usually takes 15 minutes on average, but may take a longer or shorter time, depending on the area that is being treated.

Will it hurt?

Laser therapy does not hurt. However, you may feel some warmth as the laser hand-piece is positioned over your ankle. Some patients even report a soothing feeling during their treatment.

Overall, the treatment is painless and once you have completed your therapy, you can see a noticeable relief in pain, muscle tension and tightness, inflammation and an increase in your range of motion.

Most patients can even resume their normal daily activities upon leaving the clinic, although it is crucial to avoid overexerting oneself in order to prevent getting injured again and to facilitate faster healing and recovery.

On average, acute conditions require five to six treatments while chronic conditions require 10 to 15 treatments. These averages can vary from one patient to another.

Here’s your next step…

Ankle Inflammation? Hurt to walk? Not able to exercise? Give us a call today at 301-937-5666 or click here to schedule your appointment online. We will do an evaluation and see if laser therapy is right for you.

Don’t wait until it gets worse…call today as our schedule fills up very quickly.

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