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For Bunion Sufferers – How To Get Relief

For Bunion Sufferers

Redness. Tenderness. Pain. You look down at your big toe and see that the joint appears enlarged at the base. Unfortunately, it looks like you have a bunion.

How do you get some sort of relief?

To start, you need to invest in a pair of soft, comfortable shoes. Wearing shoes that are too tight, too stiff or have too high of a heel will make your bunion not only hurt, but also become worse. You definitely don’t want that!

The Leading Cause

Did you know that wearing uncomfortable shoes is actually the leading cause of bunion development? It is best to find a pair of shoes that fits the natural shape of your toes. You should also look for shoes that are wide in the toe area and have good arch support.

Preventing rubbing around the bunion area is also key. You can place a circular patch or a piece of moleskin on the bunion to prevent it from rubbing against your shoe.

Other Methods Of Relief:

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers are another method of relief for bunion sufferers. Aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen provide anti-inflammatory effects, giving you a break from inflammation and the hurt associated with it.

Keep in mind that too many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) pills can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers. It is always best to check with your podiatrist about dosage before you begin taking them.


Icing the bunion may also provide anti-inflammatory effects as well as pain relief. You can use an ice pack or even a bag of frozen vegetables – just remember to be gentle around the problem area.

And never forget: Do not use heat to treat a bunion. Heat treatments will make the swelling and pain even worse.


Another option for bunion relief is wearing orthotics. By redistributing your weight, orthotics can take the pressure off your big toe. Orthotics won’t cure your bunion, but they can make it feel better and can also prevent it from getting any worse.

A podiatrist can also give you a splint or a toe spreader to help you feel better. Again, these things won’t cure you, but they can certainly help.

Soaking Your Foot

A foot soak in cool or lukewarm water may also help the bunion. Again, remember to stay away from anything too hot, as it will make the inflammation and pain worse. But a soak in cool or lukewarm water with a few tablespoons of bath salts will soothe your sore foot.

What Not To Do

A bunion sufferer should avoid high-impact exercise such as running, playing basketball or tennis. Even walking too much can put unwanted stress on your foot, and cause the pain to get worse.

Try to keep the front of your foot impact-free, or at least minimize the impact that you typically subject your foot to. Do stretch, however. Stretching your toe will help the sore joint. You can use your fingers to pull your toe in a gentle range of motion. If the stretching starts to hurt too much, stop.

The goal is to make the problem better and not worse.

If you follow these few easy tips, your bunion will most likely feel better. Never hesitate to contact your podiatrist, who can help the most with the healing process.

When To See A Podiatrist

As far as bunions are concerned, early detection is key to successfully treating your problem. The earlier the better and your podiatrist can diagnose and prescribe a treatment plan that will deal with your bunion.

In most cases non-invasive treatment plans can be tried, and successful in treating your bunion. In other cases surgery may be required to repair your bunion so that you can be pain free and get back to your everyday activities.

Schedule Your Appointment

Do you have a painful bunion? Does it hurt when you walk? If you are experiencing any type of discomfort from your bunion or would simply like to get it detected early, give us a call today to schedule your appointment at 301-937-5666 or simply fill out the form on the top right of this page.

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