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Custom Foot Orthotics – Can They Relieve Your Foot Pain?

Custom Foot Orthotics

Are you suffering from foot pain?

Does it hurt when you walk, much less run?

Do your feet ache when you take your shoes off?

Some of the most common foot problems:

What relieves most common foot problems?

Custom Foot Orthotics (also known as custom arch supports)

85% of foot problems come from the foot not functioning the proper way. Custom foot orthotics in your shoes can solve most of these problems, by correcting your foot not functioning properly.

Can they help with knee and back pain as well?

When your feet hurt you compensate for that by walking differently, and therefore can strain other areas of your body. The knee, hip, and back are often the areas that you will strain.

When you can get your feet to function the right way with custom orthotics, you can take away the foot pain and then the knees and back will most likely get better as well.

Over The Counter Inserts

These are more of just a cushion and not custom to your feet, just based on your shoe size.

Custom Foot Orthotics

These are custom made to your foot, more durable, solid, and rigid than over the counter inserts and help control how your foot functions.

Correcting Your Gait

Optimally when walking or running, your heel hits the ground, then your midfoot and then your forefoot hits the ground and you push off. Most people aren’t doing this and their feet are all over the place. Custom orthotics will get your foot to function properly and have the proper gait, therefore reducing your foot pain in most cases.

You want to have something designed specifically for your feet, instead of an over the counter model that is designed for anybody’s feet.

So, What’s Your Next Step…

Make sure to get a proper evaluation from a qualified podiatrist (foot doctor) and find out what your condition really is. We will also find out if your insurance will cover these custom inserts.

Give us a call today at 301-937-5666 or you can request your appointment online here. Don’t wait until it gets worse, call today to reserve a time that is convenient for your as our schedule fills up very quickly.

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