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DC Foot and Ankle Care Benefits and Appointment Information

DC Foot and Ankle Care Benefits

How Often Do You Hear Yourself Saying: “No, I Haven’t Made An Appointment; I’ve Been Meaning To!”

When it comes to making appointments for anything, not just doctor visits, we all seem to put it off for one reason or another.

Some of the main reasons are:

We understand these reasons and for those matters we have created some advantages of coming to our office to combat some of these reasons.

1. Convenient and flexible appointment times to be able to fit your visit into your schedule. You can either call or schedule your appointment right from your computer or smart phone.

2. We understand how busy our patient’s schedules can be so we make sure that you are seen promptly and not left waiting either in our waiting room or in your exam room for extended periods of time.

3. Our doctors are not alarmists when it comes to treating our patients, and we always recommend the least invasive treatments first and foremost. Many of our patients have been surprised at how easy and pain free that many of our solutions to your foot and/or ankle problems are.

4. If you like we can give you a friendly reminder of when it’s time for your next appointment and we will also remind you of any upcoming appointments.

5. We understand how you feel, many of our patients have felt the same way, but have found out that if they would have come in to see us earlier (when the pain or condition(s) was not as bad or didn’t hurt as much)…then they could have either avoided a more invasive treatment or saved time by getting rid of the condition(s) sooner.

…but don’t take our word for it, just listen to some of our patients and check out our Testimonials page here.

You can make it easier on yourself and take advantage of the benefits of our office by scheduling an appointment today for all of your foot and/or ankle conditions.

Save time, stop the pain, get back on your feet, and get checked out early.

Give us a call today at 301-937-5666 or just fill out the form above on the top right of this page. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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