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Does a Neuroma Go Away on Its Own?

Does a Neuroma Go Away on Its Own?

When you have a neuroma on your foot, it makes simply walking feel excruciating. The pain from a neuroma may be constant, so getting treatment is crucial in controlling your discomfort.

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, our expert team helps you deal with various foot conditions, including neuromas. Leading our team is Dr. David Deiboldt, a podiatry specialist with years of experience treating painful conditions like neuromas.

Understanding neuromas

A neuroma is an overgrowth of nerve tissue that's usually painful. Neuromas can develop anywhere on the body but are very common on feet. You may hear neuromas referred to as a pinched nerve or a benign nerve tumor.

A Morton's neuroma develops on the underside of your foot, usually between your third and fourth toes. If you have Morton's neuroma, you may have pain between your toes, especially when you're walking.

Other symptoms associated with Morton's neuroma include feeling like there's a stone in between your toes. Additional signs of this condition include the following:

There are several reasons you may have Morton's neuroma, including the shape of your foot. For example, if you have flat feet or high arches, you risk developing this condition.

Shoes that are too tight around the toe box can cause you to develop a neuroma. Constant stress on the ball of your foot or an injury may also lead to a neuroma.

Can your neuroma go away on its own?

Unfortunately, Morton's neuroma doesn't simply go away by itself. It's an actual overgrowth of nerve tissue that often requires expert treatment.

However, there are conservative steps you can take at home to ease your symptoms if you're only suffering mild pain from the neuroma. You should carefully choose your shoes and wear ones with a wide-toe box that offer plenty of support.

You can also rest your foot when it's bothering you and apply ice between the affected toes to reduce inflammation and pain. Lightly massaging the area helps lessen discomfort from the neuroma.

Another option to control any discomfort from your neuroma is shoe inserts. The inserts provide comfort and support in your shoes, which takes the pressure off your neuroma.

When to seek help for a neuroma

If you've tried conservative home treatments for your neuroma without relief, it's a good idea to schedule an appointment with Dr. Deiboldt. You may need more aggressive treatment if you cannot manage your symptoms with conservative care.

There are other reasons you should seek help for Morton's neuroma as well, some of which include the following:

You should also see Dr. Deiboldt if you have diabetes and a neuroma. When you have diabetes, you're at an increased risk for serious foot problems due to nerve damage in your legs and feet.

Dr. Deiboldt evaluates your condition to devise a customized treatment plan for your neuroma. Treatments may include injections, custom orthotics, and surgery in severe cases.

Call 301-937-5666 to make an appointment today with Dr. Deiboldt at our Beltsville, Maryland office to learn more about your neuroma, or book a consultation online.

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