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For The Person Who Has Toenail Fungus

For The Person Who Has Toenail Fungus

Do you have toenail fungus on one or more of your toes?

These are all classic symptoms of toenail fungus. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to it spreading on you or to others. Fixing these problems is possible with the correct diagnosis and treatment from a qualified podiatrist (foot doctor).

Is toenail fungus stopping you from going barefoot (or just wearing your favorite sandals or flip flops) at the beach or the pool? Is it causing you to be embarrassed to go barefoot around your significant other? Does it cause pain on your toes? When was the last time you went barefoot without thinking about it?

What can be done? There is no shortage of hyped up treatments offering to cure your toenail fungus. Everything from home remedies to oral drugs with major side effects. It’s no wonder that most people are very confused about what works and what doesn’t.

At the Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center our office is equipped with the latest technology to diagnose and treat toenail fungus. This updated technology is an excellent alternative oral and topical medications without the possible side effects associated with these types of treatments.

All of our podiatrists are Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and have extensive experience diagnosing and treating toenail fungus.

The Benefits of our treatments include:

What’s your next step…

Call us today at 301-937-5666 or fill out our online appointment request form here.

Don’t wait until it gets worse, contact us today to ensure a convenient appointment time as our schedule fills up very quickly.

Our office is located in Beltsville Maryland conveniently off of I495 just a short drive from College Park, Laurel, Hyattsville, Silver Spring, Greenbelt, Washington D.C., and Northern Virginia.

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