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How Are Custom Orthotics Made?

Various treatments for foot conditions exist; physical therapy and injections are two that may come to mind. However, relieving chronic foot and ankle pain could be as simple as getting custom orthotic shoe inserts.

Custom orthotics are a great way to provide your feet with the support they require while relieving painful conditions. The great news is they're fast and easy to make with today's technology.

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, we're happy to provide our patients with customized orthotics. Dr. David Deiboldt, our in-house podiatrist, uses 3D technology to create the perfect orthotics for your needs.

What are custom orthotics?

Custom orthotics are specialty inserts for shoes we make specifically for your feet. You can purchase shoe inserts or orthotics over the counter, but labs commercially manufacture them for everyone's feet.

At Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center, we make our patients' orthotics to fit everyone individually. Your foot shape, how you walk, and other information goes into customizing your orthotics for both comfort and support.

We use functional and accommodative custom orthotics for a variety of foot and ankle problems, including:

We also use them to provide your feet with unrivaled support and to improve the walking mechanics of your legs, ankles, and feet.

Dr. Deiboldt recommends custom orthotics for many reasons, including that they last much longer than those you buy over the counter. They are also made specifically for your feet, meaning you benefit most from them.

Who needs custom orthotics?

Many people can benefit from custom orthotics, including athletes and people on their feet all day for work. They provide comfort and support to keep your feet from hurting after a long day.

However, people with specific foot problems can benefit significantly from custom orthotics. We recommend orthotics for anyone with the following foot problems:

There are different forms of custom orthotics that Dr. Deiboldt discusses with you before making them. Specific types are necessary for various foot and ankle conditions.

The process of making orthotics

Generally, two visits are necessary for us to make your custom orthotics. At your initial appointment, Dr. Deiboldt discusses your symptoms and evaluates your feet to determine the cause of the problem.

The process begins if custom orthotics are a good option for your needs. We first scan your feet with a high-tech 3D scanner. These scans pick up every detail in your feet for a custom fit.

We then send the 3D scans to the orthotics lab, which manufactures your orthotics. The process takes about two weeks until the finished product arrives at our office.

You then come in for a second appointment, where Dr. Deiboldt has you try on the orthotics. In some cases, we don't need to adjust the orthotics.

However, there's always a slight variation between your feet and the scan, so Dr. Deiboldt may make adjustments to ensure the proper fit.

Custom orthotics generally last several years because the lab manufactures them from durable materials that provide support and comfort.

They're a much better alternative than over-the-counter inserts that may only last a few months and don't provide personalized support for your needs.

Call the Beltsville, Maryland office today to schedule an orthotic fitting with Dr. Deiboldt. You can also request a consultation using our convenient online scheduling tool.

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