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How To Take Care Of Your Diabetic Feet

Diabetic Feet

If You’re Looking For A Good Daily Routine For Diabetic Feet – Read This

If you are a diabetic it is very important to take care of your feet and do a thorough check of them daily.

Some people with diabetes suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy which often causes numbness, weakness, and pain in the feet.

This usually results in a burning or stabbing pain or tingling sensation in the feet.

Because of this condition, you may not be able to feel a problem when it occurs, this is why it is important to do a daily inspection of your feet.

You can develop complications with your feet before you even know you have a problem.

Daily Routine For Diabetic Feet

Weekly Routine For Diabetic Feet

See A Podiatrist

If you have not yet, make sure to schedule an appointment to see a board certified podiatrist. Also talk to your podiatrist about how often you should come back for routine checkups.

Once you have seen a podiatrist, anytime you notice something irregular, call the office immediately. A problem left unnoticed can lead to serious complications.

Your Next Step

Contact us today with any questions or to schedule your appointment at 301-937-5666 or click the button below:


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