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Podiatrist VS Orthopedist for Plantar Fasciitis

Podiatrist VS Orthopedist for Plantar Fasciitis

When the plantar fascia (ligament) is strained repeatedly, you will experience pain and swelling. This problem is not uncommon for middle-aged people or even young people who are on their feet a lot. How can it be treated? Podiatrist VS Orthopedist for plantar fasciitis: which specialist should you go see?

First, you must understand the differences between the two. In short, a podiatrist is a specialist who focuses solely on the feet and the way they function. A general orthopedist is more adept at treating the patient’s body as a whole, not just from the ankle down.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

If you have been experiencing a sharp pain in the bottom part of your foot whenever you start walking, you may have this condition. The pain may subside after taking the first few steps.

What is the plantar fascia?

It is a thick band of tissue connecting the toes and heel bones at the bottom of each foot. Under normal circumstances, this part of the foot acts like a shock-absorbing bowstring. If there is too much tension on that bowstring, it can lead to small tears, resulting in pain and inflammation.

Risk Factors

The following factors increase the risk of getting plantar fasciitis:

Some medical conditions, such as arthritis and weak ankle muscles, can make the condition even worse.

Why See a Podiatrist?

The human foot is an extremely complex and intricate anatomical structure. Each foot and ankle contains more than 100 muscles, tendon and ligaments; 33 joints, 26 bones, and a network of blood vessels, nerves, skin and soft tissue. These components must all work perfectly to provide strength, support and flexibility. When they are not all working properly, you experience problems such as plantar fasciitis, which can be very painful.

It makes sense to see a podiatrist, since this type of doctor focuses specifically on the foot and all of its intricacies. They have the ability to diagnosis the condition and to determine what kind of treatment would be best for you, and whether or not you would benefit from surgery.

While some orthopedists do have experience performing surgery on the feet, a podiatrist is still the only medical specialist who is trained, educated, certified, and licensed for the exclusive treatment of the ankle and foot.

The only time it would make sense to visit an orthopedist is if you suspect a link between foot pain and pain in other areas of your body due to conditions affecting the entire skeletomuscular system.

Your Next Step…

Learn more about your treatment options for plantar fasciitis by contacting The Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center. Schedule your appointment online or call 301-937-5666. The sooner you call, the sooner you can get relief!

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