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Top 5 Stretches For Plantar Fasciitis

Top 5 Stretches For Plantar Fasciitis

Every person who has experienced the symptoms of plantar fasciitis will tell you that this condition is pretty severe.

Those who suffer from it often cannot perform any physical activity, and sometimes they cannot even stand.

Fortunately, there are exercises that will help you safely ease the symptoms of this condition.

Simple Calf Stretch

Calf stretch can really help with plantar fasciitis since it helps get rid of tightness in the muscles that put pressure on the foot. So, stand in front of the wall, stretch one leg behind you with other foot standing on the floor, knee straight.

Then slowly lunge towards the wall, keep the back straight and feel a stretch in the calf. Your toes should point forward. Hold as long as you can before you start feeling uncomfortable, repeat this exercise three times. Do this twice a day for the best result.

Squat Stretches

By squatting down you flex the knees and can achieve greater flexibility, thus have a positive impact on your foot condition. This exercise help relieve tightness that is a common symptom of plantar fasciitis. This will also help you ease the pain that often comes with the tearing of tissue.

One foot should be in front of the other when you do squats. Repeat this 10 times and then you can add more repeats if you feel comfortable with the exercise.

Foot Stretch

Sit on the floor with one leg crossed so you can hold the foot that is going to be stretched. Draw your toes backward, you should feel the stretch across the sole of your foot and be able to concentrate on your big toe.

Hold it for a minute, repeat this exercise 3 times, twice a day. To make it more efficient, you can massage the plantar fascia while holding the stretch.

Step Stretch

This is one of the most effective exercises for plantar fasciitis. It helps to stretch the plantar fasciitis and the calf muscles. Stand on a step (you can take a book of you do not have a step) and let one heel to hang off the back of the step.

Bend the second knee and drop the heel until you feel the stretch in your foot. Hold it for a minute, repeat the exercise twice a day.

The Towel Stretch

Warm towel can help a lot with plantar fasciitis. By pulling both ends of it and placing it on your foot, you can effectively massage the tissue. Of course, you can use a cold towel, but the warm one will provide more relief.

You will also stretch the toes by pulling them backward while doing the massage. This exercise also helps with nagging pain.

You should remember that even if these exercises seem easy, you should never push yourself if you feel pain in heels or legs. Wait until your body gets used to these stretches and then you can hold them for longer periods of time.

Not Getting Better?

Contact The Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center now to get professional advice on your condition. We have extensive experience treating plantar fasciitis and helping you get back to pain free walking.

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