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Upping Your Mileage This Spring? Avoid These Common Runner’s Injuries

Upping Your Mileage This Spring? Avoid These Common Runner’s Injuries

Running is a great pastime, whether you enjoy a quick run around the block or commit to a marathon as part of your training regimen. Either way, proper fitness and form are essential to keep your body healthy and prevent injuries.

With spring right around the corner, you may want to make up for lost time and begin running longer distances than usual – but that's not the best idea. Running too far too quickly without working up to it leads to injuries, heel pain, and Achilles tendonitis.

Before you start running, check in with the Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center team, especially if you're worried about running injuries. Dr. David Dieboldt is our expert podiatrist who helps you learn how to run correctly to avoid painful, season-ending injuries.

Prevalent running injuries

Cardiovascular exercise, such as running, is fantastic for your body. It works your legs and core and is great for your hips and glutes; injuries can still happen, even if you're in shape and careful.

Some running injuries are acute, meaning they happen suddenly and cause significant pain. Acute injuries include fractures and pulled muscles or ankle sprains.

Chronic running injuries happen from repeated stress and overuse of the structures in your feet and legs. Examples of overuse or chronic injuries from running include:

Injuries from running can range from mild to severe, keeping you off your feet for a few days up to several months. Understanding how to run safely is essential to avoid acute or chronic injuries so you can enjoy the weather while running this spring.

What contributes to running injuries?

Running is a great way to stay in shape, enjoy the outdoors, and keep your heart healthy – but it can also cause unnecessary injuries. Various aspects contribute to common running injuries, and they include:

It's common for people to run on the treadmill over the cold winter months to avoid the harsh weather – but be careful. Transitioning from months of running on a treadmill to outdoor running is hard on your body and may end up causing more harm than good.

Take your time getting back into outdoor running, even if you're ready to enjoy the upcoming warm weather. Gradually increasing your distance and warming up before each run significantly cuts down on painful injuries.

Steps to prevent getting hurt

It's easier than you think to prevent running injuries – you need to know where to start. An injury can keep you from enjoying the outdoors and caring for yourself. Taking the following precautions helps you avoid getting hurt:

It would help to stop running at the first sign of an injury. Continuing to run, even with a mild injury, can lead to more severe problems and extended periods away from doing what you love.

If you have an injury, talk to Dr. Diebolt as soon as possible to get the proper treatment. The quicker you get treatment, the faster you return to running and enjoying the outdoors.

You must also slowly increase running distances and time to avoid injuries, about 10% a week. The 10% rule allows your body to adjust to longer distances, preventing overuse injuries and problems.

If you've suffered a running injury, don't hesitate to call Beltsville Foot and Ankle Center today or request a consultation with Dr. Dieboldt using our convenient online scheduling tool.

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