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What Is A Podiatrist?

What Is A Podiatrist?

In this article we are going to uncover, what a podiatrist is, the training required to become one, and how they can help you.


According to the American Podiatric Medical Association – A podiatrist, otherwise known as a doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM for short), diagnoses and treats conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower extremities.

When selecting a doctor, make sure to look for the DPM after his or her name, they are the most qualified doctors to care for your feet and ankles.

Education & Training

Podiatrists spend years learning the intricate structures and functions of the feet and ankles.

Podiatrists are required to take 4 years of education in podiatric medical school, and then 3 years doing a hospital residency.

They focus their training, and exclusively specialize at only treating the feet and ankles. Unlike Orthopedists who have a more general training on the entire body.

Podiatrists are uniquely qualified based on their education, training, and experience to handle all problems related to your foot and ankle conditions.

Board Certified

With advanced training and passing an exam, podiatrists can become board certified.

Not all podiatrists are board certified and you should look for this when selecting a podiatrist for your foot or ankle condition.

What To Look For

In addition to making sure you have selected a qualified podiatrist in your area, you also want to make sure that you select one that provides excellent care and service.

Here are some of the things you should look out for:

Common Conditions & Treatment Areas

From the simplest foot problems, to the most complex foot and ankle disorders, podiatrists provide care in the following areas:


You are on your feet from the time you wake up, until the time you go to bed.

Would you rather go to a generalist or a specialist to treat your conditions?

Your feet and ankles are complex structures that are very important to your overall health and well being.

With proper care, most foot and ankle conditions can be relieved or prevented.

If you or a loved one has foot or ankle related questions, give us a call at 301-937-5666 or submit your inquiry online and we would be happy to help.

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