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What Is There About Flip Flops That Make Some Finer Than Others?

What Is There About Flip Flops

Do you like to wear flip flops in the summer?

Is the convenience and breathability something you love?

Aren’t they great at the beach walking through the sand?

However not all flip flops are the same!

Flip flops come in different shapes and styles that offer different levels of support for your feet.

In this article we are going to go over some features that you should look for, when purchasing a pair of flip flops for your feet.

Flip Flop Features

You don’t want to wear flip flops that you can bend in half. You want the flip flops to be sturdy to support your feet.

Flimsy flip flops are ok to walk short distances for convenience but you do not want to walk long distances in them.

These types of flip flops provide no arch support or shock absorption, causing extra stress and strain on your feet.

You want to look for flips flops with a good stable arch support and a little bend and flexibility is ok.

Flip Flop Material

You want try and avoid low quality plastic or rubber flip flops.

Make sure to try on the flip flops before you buy them to make sure they are comfortable and supportive of your feet.

This will prevent any rubbing or chaffing that can result in painful blisters or sores.

When Not To Wear

It is best to avoid wearing flip flops during any:

When To Wear

It is ok to wear flip flops when:

You can also check to see if the flip flops you are considering to buy hold the APMA (American Podiatric Medical Association) Seal of Acceptance.

Here’s What To Do Now

We hope these tips help you select the proper flip flops so that you can enjoy your summer without any foot or ankle pain.

If you do suffer from any foot or ankle pain give us a call at 301-937-5666 or click here to request your appointment online.

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